Mini Strawberry Galettes

Now. Now’s about the time when I want to eat all the things that aren’t ready yet. The tomatoes, the melons, the strawberries! I have bought tomatoes more times then I should have this spring, hoping they would be ripe and luscious, only to be greeted with...

Raspberry Buttermilk Pie

It’s Sweet Sunday time! Since yesterday was Pi Day, it only seemed right to keep the pie love going!  I have been in the kitchen a lot lately and I really wanted something easy and delicious. I considered making tons of different pies, but I landed on this...

Lard and Butter Pie Crust

So, Monday! Life seems hard sometimes when your cat wakes you up all night and then your alarm goes off at the crack of dawn. Bills, taxes. Blech. Right about that time in my life, when things are frustrating, annoying me, difficult and just plain not fun, I need...

Alternatives to Pie

Pie. Is it really all it’s cracked up to be? I mean, I love pie, but what about something different? What about something that is just a little bit of a shake up? A dessert that is enough to make Aunt Bertha wake up from her nap and rush to the front of the...